
Employment Exchange Registration

Over the years direct employment opportunities in the organized public as well as private sector have reduced considerably. With increasing emphasis on competitiveness and efficiency, the Government has to reduce manpower in administration. In recent years direct recruitment in Government jobs has almost came to standstill. Government is now laying increasing emphasis on self-employment and vocational training. With increasing population and decreasing job prospects in the organized sector, the performance of Employment Exchanges (Offices) in terms of submission made and placements achieved has also been steadily declining over the years. Employers demand fewer and fewer candidates. While the number of educated job seekers increases, very few candidates actually get absorbed in permanent jobs. Hence the role of the Department is slowly changing from direct recruitment for salaried jobs to promotion of Self Employment, vocational guidance, co-ordination and monitoring of the implementation of various self employment schemes.

Recently a Employment Portal is developed so as to assist the Job Seekers and Employers to access each other through common platform under the desired criteria or as per their demand. This portal will also help in career guidance and vocational training too. Job Fairs are also being organized for Private Sector Employer so that more and more Job Seekers can be employed. The response and results are amazing.


Location : Online | City : Raisen | PIN Code : 464551